The effect of a lost internet connection for a student taking a test depends on the way the test element is set up in the course.
If the student is taking a non-timed test
If a student loses internet connection while taking a non-timed test, the test stops at the question they were on when they were disconnected. When the student starts the test again, it begins with the question the student was on when they were disconnected.
If the student is taking a test set up as Forward Only
If the student loses internet connection taking a test a test set up as Forward Only, the test resumes at the next question.
If the student is taking a timed test or a test with timed questions
If a student loses internet connection taking a test set up as a timed test or with timed questions, the timer continues to count down towards the maximum time specified. A course administrator or offering facilitator may need to reset the test for that student.